Author Archives: IT Department

The Resignation Process

What is the general procedure?

If you make the decision that you no longer wish to work with us, please let us know. Make sure to send an email to including your resignation letter. Any references that are requested for you will require your written consent, however if you have not done more that 5 shifts or been with us for longer than three months then we will not be able to do this. We are also only limited to releasing one reference per month, this will include basic information such as dates and if there were any safeguarding concerns.  Please request you P45 from our payroll team, whose email has been previously mentioned. We also expect all candidates to honour any of your shifts that have been pre-booked.

The Compliancy Process

What is it and why is it needed?

Once you are put on our rotas, we have to make sure that all of the documentation that we have for you remains to be in date. In order to do this, we will contact you every four months, sending you a short document with a few important questions on. These can be relating to things such as your driving licence (is it still in date? Have you gained any points?), your employment status (have you started another job since working with us?), if your DBS and training is still in date etc. The reason this is so important is to make sure that we keep in line with OFSTED’s requirements and follow the correct safeguarding procedures. Your DBS certificate that is processed through us will need to be renewed every year in order to maintain the required standards. We do suggest that as soon as you get this you make it portable, this will cost you £13 for the year and will enable you to take it anywhere without the need of a new one each time.

Fulbridge FAQ’s

Q: When do I have to submit my timesheet by?

A: The official deadline for your timesheets to be sent in by (to be paid for the following Friday) is Monday at 10am, however you can send them in at any time before that if preferred.

Q: Who can I contact regarding any pay related queries?

A: All pay related queries can be directed to, these can be related to things such as holiday, payslips, change in bank details etc. Alternatively you can fill out the form located in the panel to the right.

Q: How do I fill out my timesheet? Do I have to print it myself?

A: When you go to a home make sure to take your timesheet with you, in the suitable box you must add your shift details and any necessary additional information you may have. At the end of the shift these must be signed by the home manager/shift manager for it to be authorised. If you are going to the same home multiple times in a week you can use the same timesheet however you must use a new one for each new home. And yes, these will need to be printed by yourselves, however if you find you are unable to do so drop an email to who will be able to assist.

Q: Do I get paid for mileage?

A: Yes, this will be calculated form your home postcode to the house. When you do over a 40-mile trip (one way/80-mile return) we will remunerate you £0.22p per mile. More information regarding this please refer to the description on the mileage form sent to you in your ‘Application complete’ email.

Q: Who do I give my availability to?

A: Each Friday you will receive a text message from our bookings team (we may email you asking to confirm your number if the one on our system is not correct) asking for your availability for the forthcoming week. Once you let us know when you can work, we will then begin to send you shifts around the days you’ve given us. If you do not give us your availability, we might not be able to offer you shifts.

Q: Who can I talk to about permanent vacancies?

A: If you have any queries or questions regarding any permanent positions please email , they will be able to help you further

Q: Who can I contact regarding my shifts?

A: If you have any questions or queries regarding your shifts or need to contact the bookings team out of hours, please call 07943784786 or email Alternatively, you can also call 01733703214 during working hours and ask to speak to the bookings team.

Q: What happens if I cant make it to my shift?

A: If you have no other option but to cancel your shift, please make sure that you inform the office using any of the above contact details, the more notice you give us the better. Whenever you cancel a shift, we will email you a form we require you to fill out for our records, once we have this you can continue to take shifts as usual.

Q: Do I need an ID badge?

A:   When going to your shift you will not have an ID badge so make sure that you bring a suitable form of ID with you. Whilst working at Fulbridge you will be eligible to register for a Blue Light Card, these can be used as a form of identification to confirm you work for Fulbridge and offer discounts. The website can be found at