Fulbridge now have an Instagram account! Make sure to look out for us where we will be providing things like our jobs and information, any changes and updates that may be important to you!
What is a direct booking?
When going to a home quite frequently you may find that they will ask you personally to pick up some shifts for them. If you decide to take any of the offered shifts, then we will require you to inform us what these are. Make sure to email bookings@fulbridgesocialcare.co.uk to ensure we are aware and can make sure we have the correct timesheets.
Business Insurance
Sometimes when working at care settings, you may be requested to drive your own vehicle. We never recommend that you do this as you would be personally liable if anything was to happen to a young person in your vehicle. However if you are comfortable in doing so, you must have business insurance. If you are driving your own vehicle, the home that you are working at are responsible for paying your mileage up front. Fulbridge have no contractual agreement in place with any client that allows us to pay mileage for professional use after the event.
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